Monday, April 16, 2012

Long Time No Post

Happy Monday everyone!  I hope that you are having a great day.  I just wanted to take some time to apologize to you for the inconsistency in my blogging.  As you may know, my beautiful daughter Julianne was born two months ago today.  While these two months have gone by very quickly, they have been quite time consuming.  Julianne has colic and that has been quite a challenge.  I guess I expected her to be just like my son ...a happy, mellow baby.  However I quickly learned that every child is different!

Julianne started crying more than usual at about 2 1/2 weeks old and it just escalated from there.  While her "witching hour" was nightly from 6pm to 10pm, there were days that she cried for up to 8 hours.  It was concerning to me as her mom, because I couldn't figure out why she was so upset.  She was fed, changed, and dry.  My husband and I tried numerous methods to soothe her and everything would work for a short period of time.  Our only tried and true soothing methods were car rides and strapping her in her car seat and having her sit on our dryer.

After a trip to the Pediatrician and in talking to other moms, I realized that luckily, there was nothing medically wrong with my daughter, and it was something that would pass with time.  In short, I was so exhausted from the crying and taking care of my 2-year old, that I didn't have time for my blog.  Luckily, Julianne's colic has started to subside so I will be able to blog more!  I have truly missed writing about the things I enjoy...polishes, products, pampering, and most importantly, being a Mom. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.  I look forward to posting more regularly now that things in our home have settled down a bit.  Have a great day!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Laura! It is nice to have some time for me again...even if it is only in short increments.
